The housing component
Currently Full
The housing component of Maison Benoit Labre consists of offering 36 studios (1½) for homeless people living with addictions and mental health issues who use our current services. It is currently full. For any questions or requests, please contact our coordinator at the email address coordination.logement@lamaisonbenoitlabre.org
With low threshold requirements and from a harm reduction perspective, this five (5) year transitional program aims to develop autonomy for residential stability through self-determined objectives supported and accompanied by a psychosocial intervention team.This housing component will be linked with our future Overdose Prevention Center (CPS) as well as our Day Center to ensure a continuum of services for our future residents.
In order to better support our future residents within this housing component, we have developed our own community support.
1. Housing follow-up intervention
Development of an annual individual action plan;
Monthly meeting with a housing follow-up worker;
Social workers available to residents;
Preventive and safety inspection of housing.
2. Intervention in collective support
Animation of the living environment (game, preventive workshop and activities);
Occasional community support.
3. Community involvement
Outdoor cleanliness brigade;
Housework ;
Community and compensatory work.