The Night of the Homeless
On October 18, 2024, the Night of the Homeless took place in various cities, including Montreal. In honor of this occasion, we’d like to share the poignant speech by our Executive Director, Andréane, during the Night of the Homeless in Montreal. This evening served as a powerful reminder of our solidarity with those experiencing homelessness or living in extreme housing insecurity.
"Hello, my name is Andréane, and I am the Executive Director of La Maison Benoît Labre. Today, we are all gathered to show our solidarity with our peers, neighbors, and those living in homelessness or extreme housing insecurity.
Having worked in the field of homelessness for over 20 years, I am deeply saddened every day by the increasingly deteriorating state of our society. Hundreds of people walk through our doors daily, and I witness my colleagues striving to support them with ever-limited resources. Shelters are overflowing, encampments are multiplying, and the measures in place are struggling to keep pace with this escalating crisis.
The statistics on homelessness are alarming, especially in Montreal. Recent counts show nearly 10,000 people experiencing homelessness in the city, a 44% increase from previous years. Shelters are overwhelmed, and available resources are insufficient to meet the needs. Families, youth, seniors, and even low-wage workers are increasingly affected by this crisis. Homelessness in Montreal is on the rise and cannot be ignored. These numbers are not just statistics; they represent human lives that deserve dignity and support.
Additionally, the overdose crisis disproportionately affects those experiencing homelessness. Every week in Montreal, lives are lost due to the poor quality of drugs. The toxicity of available substances has significantly increased, making street drugs more dangerous. The five supervised consumption sites in Montreal are overwhelmed day after day. In 2023, the number of overdose-related deaths rose again, surpassing previous records. This is a public health emergency that calls for a swift and coordinated response from social services and government authorities. Each death is an avoidable tragedy, a reminder that every life is precious and deserves our attention.
Over the years, I have noticed a growing polarization of public opinion regarding homelessness. Tonight, I urge every citizen, whether housed or not, to mobilize for change. We must show solidarity and face this situation together to improve it. It’s time for our governments to be consistent and work together for the well-being of our society.
Someone once told me, 'We are all in the same boat.' This is false. In reality, we are all facing the same storm, but some have yachts, others have canoes, and some don’t even have life jackets.
We must do better. We owe it to our friends, neighbors, family, and children who will have to weather this storm." - Andréane Desilets
Together, let’s make our voices heard and support those who need it most.
Crédit photo : André Querry