Fundraising ''À bas le froid’’

It’s a wrap !

Our “à bas le froid!” fundraiser is now over. For the third year in a row, this one took place throughout the month of November and ended on November 29, on Giving Tuesday. Your generosity allowed us to prepare 150 winter backpacks for people to face the winter.

Our goal has been achieved! That's 150 backpacks made and over $4500 raised on a goal of $5000. A big thank you to all the participants who made this fundraiser a success.

Thank you to our two teams of volunteers: Desjardins, Caisse du Sud-Ouest and Omnia Technologies, who were present on November 28 and 29 to make and distribute the backpacks to our visitors. as well as Monseigneur-Richard high school for their help in organizing the winter accessories and clothing on November 18th.

Period: November 1st to November 29th for Giving Tuesday
Purpose: To allow the community to warm up the most vulnerable population with a donation to buy essential winter backpacks.

  • 1 donation of $25 = 1 half winter bag to warm a person

  • 1 donation of $50 = 1 winter bag to warm a person

  • 1 donation of $100 = 1 winter bag to warm 2 people.

In the backpacks: pairs of socks, underwear, snacks, a toque, a pair of gloves, a blanket, jogging pants or jeans and a bag.


Giving Tuesday 2021 in numbers:

🎒We distributed over 80 winter backpacks to people experiencing homelessness;
🎒We procured 70 sleeping bags to distribute over the next few days;
🎒We were able to mobilize 60 people who donated, helped and supported our fundraiser.

All of this is thanks to the involvement of our beautiful community! We couldn't be more grateful. We were able to achieve our main goal: to warm as many people living in homelessness as possible. Not to mention, we have increased our inventory of blankets and winter essentials that can be distributed until the end of the season.



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